Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации
Российская Академия Наук

Science and Education Centers

Science and Education Center of ZIOC RAS and Moscow Chemical Lyceum

An original system of continuous education has been established in ZIOC RAS with a focus on training of highly competent researchers in organic chemistry. It is successfully implemented through a joint Science and Education Center of ZIOC and Moscow Chemical Lyceum (with participation of Higher Chemical College). In 2014, it involved 14 high school students from Moscow Chemical Lyceum, 25 university undergraduates, 9 graduate students, 13 young PhDs in Chemistry,and 30 ZIOC specialists.

The main features of the system are early involvement of young people in a systematic academic research as an integral part of the scientific process and organization of long-term tutor-student pairs to assure a creative growth of the student, preferably, from high school to a PhD degree.

ZIOC scientists delivered 2 special lecture courses at Moscow Chemical Lyceum.

Two international research projects in collaboration with peers from South Korea and Singapore are being implemented at the Lyceum.

In August 2014, with the active assistance of the faculty and students, the Lyceum for the first time in Russia hosted the International Conference for educators involved in developing scientific creativity in children.

Science and Education Centers of Organic Chemistry and Computational Chemistry of ZIOC RAS and Higher Chemical College

Science and Education Center for Organic and Organoelement Chemistry has been functioning in ZIOC RAS for several years. Its activities are aimed at a basic education of a wide-profile researcher in the field of organic, organometallicand bioorganic chemistry. The training program focuses on the delivery of competences in the organic and organometallic synthesis and includes theoretical classes in the form of lectures and seminars as well as the laboratory practicum.

The Center has subdivisions that cooperate with universities and vocational and secondary schools in Moscow such as Higher Chemical College of RAS affiliated with Mendeleev Russian University of Chemical Technology, Moscow State Teachers Training University, Secondary School 192, and Moscow Chemical Lyceum 1303.

ZIOC Science and Education Center offers courses:

  • Basic course in Organic Chemistry for Higher Chemical College and the Group of Russian Academy of Sciences at the Department of Chemistry of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. The curriculum includes theoretical classes – 248 hours (124 hours of lectures and 124 hours of seminars for two groups of 20-25 students) and a laboratory practicum — 256 hours.
  • Optional course “Organic Synthesis” – 136 hours (68 hours of lectures and 68 hours of seminars).
  • Basic course “Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry” for 1st year students – 136 hours (68 hours of lectures and 68 hours of seminars for three groups of 15-20 students).
  • Basic course in Computer Science for Lomonosov Moscow State 1st year students – 184 hours both theory and practicum.
  • Basic course in Computer Science for Higher Chemical College – 144 hours.

The Center develops methodological materials and manuals and implements them in the educational process.

ZIOC RAS and Moscow State Teachers Training University entered into the agreement for practical training of MD students (2 MDs). Also, this year 4th year students visited ZIOC RAS for an introductory tour.

Science and Education Center “Gas Chemistry” (Head – Associate Member of RAS Prof. A.L. Lapidus) functions in cooperation with the branch of Gas Chemistry Chair of I.M. Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (Branch Head – DSc A.A. Dergachev). Its activities include lecturing and supervising graduate and MD/PhD theses by ZIOC specialists. The Center offers a major course “Chemical Technology of Natural Energy Resources and Hydrocarbons”, lectures in Gas Chemistry and Chemistry of С1 Compounds (Prof. A.L. Lapidus), and in Catalytic Processes of Gas Chemistry (PhDO.L. Eliseev). In 2014, the course was taken by 10 graduate students and MDs.

For more detail see the Website of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (